Cranberry Orange Cake Recipe

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This Cranberry Orange Cake is guaranteed to be a hit with a large group of people since it is light and delicious, and it has a cranberry filling and an orange cream cheese frosting.

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– 2 sticks unsalted butter – 2 cups sugar (400g) – 3 large eggs, room temperature – 1 cup sour cream (242g) – ⅓ cup juice from approx – 3 Tablespoons Orange Zest  – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (4g) – 1 Tablespoon orange extract ( – 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder (7g) – ½ teaspoon baking soda (3g) – ½ teaspoon salt (3g) – 1 cup cranberrie – Orange Coloring Gel to tint the batter  – 1 ½ cup fresh or frozen cranberries (180g) – ¾ cup sugar (150g) – ¾ cup water (180g) – 3 sticks unsalted butter – 16 oz cream cheese  – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (4g) – 1 teaspoon orange extract (4g) – ½ teaspoon salt (2g) – 7 cups Confectioners sugar  – Orange Coloring Gel


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Grease and flour three 8x2 inch round cake pans and preheat to 350 degrees F.Make tiny cranberry bits. We washed sliced cranberries in a colander to remove most of the seeds. (Soft seeds are alright.) 

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Pat dry gently.Combine cake flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a medium basin. Mix and set aside.In another bowl or measuring cup, combine sour cream, orange juice, zest, vanilla, and orange extract. Fork-blend and set aside.

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Mix softened butter in your mixer until smooth. Add sugar slowly and mix on medium speed for 3–5 minutes until lightened and fluffy.

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After adding each egg, mix until the yolk is no longer yellow. You can add orange coloring to your batter now or during mixing.

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Add the flour mixture and sour cream mixture alternately, beginning and finishing with flour (3 dry components and 2 wet). Mix on low speed. Just blend.Gently mix in cut cranberries. 

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 Spread batter evenly in three pans and level the tops with a spoon.Bake for 25–30 minutes at 350 degrees until a toothpick inserted into the  center comes out clean or with a few crumbs.

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Check and adjust bake times at 25 minutes. Serve cakes after 5–10 minutes of cooling.Making 7 cups cake batter. Works for cupcakes. About 28 cupcakes.

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Addcranberries, sugar, and water to a medium saucepan.Cover the saucepan and cook over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring regularly, until the cranberries pop (skin splits). Uncover and cook 10 minutes to thicken.

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Remove from heat, place in heatproof bowl, and refrigerate. Cooling will thicken the mixture. Blend the cooled cranberry filling with an immersion blender for a smoother filling.

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Mix softened butter on low to medium speed until smooth.Mix softened cream cheese and butter at low to medium speed until smooth.Flavor with vanilla and orange. Beat in powdered sugar slowly until mixed. 

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Add coloring gel to dye icing. Blend on low to medium speed until smooth.Refrigerate. Let frosting sit on the kitchen counter until room temperature if made ahead. Might need to remix.

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