Healthy Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cake Recipe

Delicious dark chocolate cake layers with raspberry chocolate mousse filling and dark chocolate ganache icing, topped with fresh raspberries. A chocolate lover's paradise!


Cake batter: – 2 cups 284g all-purpose flour – ⅔ cup 56g cocoa powder (I prefer this one) – 1 teaspoon baking powder – 1 teaspoon baking soda – 1 ½ cups 300g granulated sugar – ¾ teaspoon salt – 2 large egg – ¼ cup 60ml sunflower oil – ⅓ cup 75g unsalted butter, melted – ¾ cup 180ml sour cream – 1 teaspoon 5ml pure vanilla extract – 1 cup 240ml hot coffee – ½ cup 85g mini dark chocolate chip


Chocolate Fudge Frosting: – 1 cup 237ml 35% whipping cream – 3 tablespoon 45ml honey – 2 tablespoon 28g unsalted butter – ⅛ teaspoon salt – 10 oz 284g dark chocolate, finely chopped – ½ cup 120ml sour cream – ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract Filling: – ¾ cup 180ml Chocolate Fudge Frosting – ½ cup 120ml 35% heavy whipping cream – ½ cup 60g fresh raspberries


Heat the oven to 350°F. Line two 8-inch circular cake pan bases with parchment. Grease your pan sides if you want to. I never do.

Step 1

Make cake batter. Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder, and soda into a large basin. Whisk in sugar and salt.

Step 2

Whisk eggs, oil, sour cream, and vanilla in a medium basin. Pour it into the dry ingredients dish and mix with a medium-low electric hand mixer until mixed. It will be dry and thick. 

Step 3

Beat until smooth and uniformly blended, adding hot coffee in two stages to avoid clumps. Mix in small chocolate chips.

Step 4

Spread batter on pan and bake for 24-28 minutes until cakes spring back when lightly pressed and spear inserted into middle comes out clean. Invert pans on wire racks to cool after 15 minutes.

Step 5

Frost. Chopped chocolate medium. In a small pot, boil 1 cup cream. Over chilly chocolate bowl. Honey or corn syrup, butter, vanilla, and salt should be mixed gently until glossy. 

Step 6

Stir in sour cream. Cover bowl, freeze, and stir every 5 minutes until thickened but not stiff. About 30–40 minutes. Refrigerator use takes around an hour. Bowl thickens in fridge for 20 minutes. 

Step 7

Left in, it solidifies. Runny? Refrigerate 5 minutes. Thicken like warm pudding and whisk until lightened. Stop whisking and whip again to maintain gloss if matte and thick. Scattering stiffens it.

Step 8

Make filler. Place ¾ cup frosting in another medium bowl. Beat the remaining ½ cup of cream until stiff peaks form and combine. Stir ½ cup (60g) raspberries. 

Step 9

Fill one cake tier with most of this filling. Seal with raspberry-chocolate mousse. Add layer 2.Cover with icing. Spread it on cooled cake layers quickly to avoid stiffening.

Step 10

Delicious Raspberry Almond Cake Recipe

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