Easy Healthy Raspberry Cookies Recipe

Raspberry, chewy oats, and melty chocolate chips make healthy Raspberry Cookies delightful. These cookies have several tasty benefits thanks to protein powder. Serve them for breakfast, dessert, or snack.  


– 2cupsrolled oat – 2tablespoonsprotein powderof your choice – 2large bananasmashed – 1/2cupalmond butteror any other nut butter – 1/3cupraspberriesfresh – 1/4cupchocolate chipsoptional or you can use sugar-free


Thick Brush Stroke


Oven temperature should be 180°C (350°F). Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Delay until later. 

Thick Brush Stroke


If you bake the cookies in the oven, you may need two sheets or batches.

Thick Brush Stroke


Mix and blend all ingredients except the chocolate chips and raspberries in a large bowl. You should fold them over with a rubber spatula when finished.

Thick Brush Stroke


Twelve tiny dough balls should be placed on the prepared baking sheet(s). Use six or eight cookies per baking sheet.

Thick Brush Stroke


Repeat until all cookies are baked. Each ball should be flattened into a cookie shape.

Thick Brush Stroke


Remove the cake from the oven and bake for 12 minutes until the edges are golden brown.

Thick Brush Stroke


After taking them out of the oven, let them cool on the tray before serving.

Thick Brush Stroke


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