Easy Perfectly Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Brussels sprouts are soft and caramelized when roasted. This quick side dish has nutty flavors and healthful nutrients. It takes few ingredients to produce this side dish suitable for holidays and family meals.  


– 1 1/2 - 2poundsBrussels sprout – 4tablespoonsgood olive oil – 3/4teaspoonkosher salt – 1/2teaspoonfreshly ground black pepper – 1tablespoongarlic powderoptional Garnish: – 1cupgrated parmesan


Thick Brush Stroke


The oven should be preheated at 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

Thick Brush Stroke


The Brussels sprouts should have any leaves that are yellow or dry removed.

Thick Brush Stroke


from them, then they should be sliced in half lengthwise, and any brown ends that are attached to the Brussels sprouts needs to be removed.

Thick Brush Stroke


If you are going to use garlic powder, you should toss the Brussels sprouts in a big dish with three tablespoons of olive oil, kosher salt, pepper, and garlic powder. 

Thick Brush Stroke


This will ensure that the Brussels sprouts are properly coated.

Thick Brush Stroke


Transfer them to a large baking sheet that has been lightly sprayed with cooking spray or olive oil. This should be done before turning the oven on.

Thick Brush Stroke


Continue cooking in the oven for thirty-five to forty-five minutes, or until the exterior is crisp and the interior is soft, whichever comes first.

Thick Brush Stroke


A taste should be taken, and if additional kosher salt is required, it should be added to the meal.

Thick Brush Stroke


The dish can be served warm with grated parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, if that is what the customer desires.

Thick Brush Stroke


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