The Ultimate Guide to Making Delicious Donuts

The Ultimate Guide to Making Delicious Donuts :- You might be surprised to learn that making doughnuts with glaze that you generate at home is a lot less difficult than you might think; nonetheless, in order to prepare them, you will need to have some patience. The flavour of the doughnuts that are included in this recipe is similar to that of doughnuts that you would find at your preferred bakery, despite the fact that they are created in the convenience of your own home.

The Ultimate Guide to Making Delicious Donuts

It is anticipated that they will be ready in around two and a half hours. It is highly recommended that you adhere to the video instructions that I have provided below in order to effectively make doughnuts. In addition to that, it will supply you with important success recommendations as well as photos that illustrate each stage.


  • 1 cup (240ml) whole milk, warmed to about 110°F (43°C)*
  • 2 and 1/4 teaspoons (7g) instant or active dry yeast (1 standard packet)*
  • 1/3 cup (65g) granulated sugar, divided
  • 2 large eggs
  • 6 Tablespoons (85g) unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups (500g) all-purpose flour (spooned & leveled), plus more as needed
  • 1–2 quarts vegetable oil*

Donut Glaze

  • 2 cups (240g) confectioners’ sugar, sifted
  • 1/3 cup (80ml) heavy cream, half-and-half, or whole milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

How to make Donut

  • For the dough, prepare it: In the bowl of your stand mixer, combine the yeast, warm milk, and one tablespoon of sugar by whisking those ingredients together. Cover the dish loosely and let it remain for five to ten minutes, or until the surface becomes foamy and frothy.
  • If you do not have access to a stand mixer, you can perform this step in a big mixing bowl. After that, proceed to the next stage, which involves combining the dough with a large wooden spoon or silicone spatula. A small amount of arm muscle will be required.
  • It is possible to use a hand mixer, but the dough is so sticky that it frequently becomes stuck in the beaters. A better option would be to mix the ingredients by hand using a wooden spoon or a spatula made of silicone.
  • Put in the rest of the sugar, the eggs, the butter, the vanilla, the nutmeg, the salt, and 2 cups (about 250g) of flour. For one minute, beat slowly. If you need to, use a plastic spatula to clean the sides of the bowl. On medium speed, add the rest of the flour and beat until the dough comes together and pulls away from the bowl’s sides. This should take about 2 minutes.
  • Once every other tablespoon, add more flour until the dough comes away from the bowl’s sides. But don’t put in too much flour. You want the dough to be a little sticky.
  • Knead the dough: Either leave the dough in the machine and beat it for another 5 to 7 minutes, or knead it by hand for the same amount of time on well-floured work surface.
  • Sprinkle one teaspoon of flour at a time on the dough, the work surface, or the bowl if it gets too sticky while you’re working it. This will make the dough soft but slightly sticky. You don’t want the dough to be dry, so don’t add more flour than you need. The dough should still feel a little soft after being worked. If it slowly bounces back after being poked with your finger, it’s ready to rise.
  • You can also do the “windowpane test” to see if you’ve kneaded your dough long enough: take a small piece of dough, about the size of a golf ball, and fold it in half so that light can pass through it. Put it near a light or window. Light must be able to pass through stretched dough, or does it first tear? The dough is now ready to rise because it has been worked for a long time. If not, work it some more until it passes the windowpane test.
  • Let the dough rise: Spray oil or nonstick spray on a big bowl to make it a little less stick. Turn the dough around in the bowl to cover all sides with oil. Let the dough rise in a warm place for 1.5 to 2 hours, or until it doubles in size. Cover the bowl and let it rise. (“See my answer to Where Should Dough Rise? in my Baking with Yeast Guide for a tiny cut in rise time.”)
  • To make doughnuts, punch it down when it’s ready to get rid of the air. Get the dough out of the bowl and place it on a lightly floured surface. Spread the dough out with a rolling pin until it is 1/2 inch thick. Cut into doughnuts with a 3–3.5-inch donut cutter. Roll up the leftovers again and cut more.
  • This recipe can be made with one large circle cookie cutter and one smaller circle cookie cutter. The large circle shape should be about 3 and 1/2 inches in diameter.
    Paper or plastic baking mats should be used to line one or two baking sheets. Each one should have donuts and doughnut holes on it. Open the lid a bit and let it sit for 30 minutes while you heat the oil. As they rest, they will rise a little.
  • On top of another baking sheet, put a cooling rack.
    Put oil into a big, heavy pot that has an oil thermometer built in. Medium heat should be set on the stove. Warm the oil up to 375°F (191°C). Put in two or three doughnuts at a time and cook for one minute on each side. Carefully take them out with a metal spoon or spatula with slots in it. Turn down the stove’s heat if the oil temperature is going up; it should stay at 375°F (191°C).
  • Don’t touch the oil without kitchen gloves on. Set the doughnuts on the rack that has been prepped. Do it again with the rest of the doughnuts, and then turn off the heat. (See Note for buns with jam.)
    How to make the glaze: Mix all of the glaze’s parts together with a whisk. Don’t wait for the doughnuts to cool down before dipping them in the sauce.
  • Make sure to cover both sides. Place back on the rack that has been prepped while the extra glaze runs down. The glaze will be set in about 20 minutes.
    The day you eat the doughnuts is best. If you have extra doughnuts, you can keep them at room temperature or in the fridge for another day or two in a sealed container.


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